Re-evaluation of the risks to public health related to the presence of bisphenol A (BPA) in foodstuffs – Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity

Discussion and conclusions - (BPA) in foodstuffs – Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity


Last updated: 09 March 2023

265.             The CEP panel reviewed the available human and animal data on reproductive and developmental toxicity. Findings from the human studies were judged to be Not Likely or ALAN.  A number of endpoints were taken forward for BMD analysis. Most notably, this included the changes on follicle ratios observed in the study by Hu et al., 2018 as it was noted that this would have provided the second most sensitive endpoint.

Questions for the Committee

266.             Do Members have any comments on:

a)    The human data

b)    The animal data

c)    The study by Hu et al., (2018) or changes in follicles more widely.

d)    The WoE and integration.

e)    The overall conclusions reached.


February 2022