PFAS/2023/04 Annex B
In this guide
In this guideOn this page
Skip the menu of subheadings on this page.Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances: evaluation of thyroid effects
Literature search
Search terms
- Search terms presented in the EFSA opinion were replicated for the searches.
Scopus (search terms in all fields)
(TITLE-ABS-KEY (perfluoro* OR pfos OR pfoa OR pfas OR ‘fluorotelomer alcohol’ AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (toxicity OR toxi* OR acute OR subacute OR subchronic OR chronic OR mutagen* OR carcino* OR reprotox* OR nephrotox* OR neurotox* OR hepatotox* OR immune OR immuno* OR ‘developmental tox*’ OR thyroid OR endocri* OR endocrine OR estrogen OR oestrogen OR fertility OR tumour OR tumor OR gestat* OR lactat* OR ‘DNA damage’ OR mortality OR adverse OR ‘adverse effect’ OR ‘blood lipid*’ OR ‘serum lipid*’ OR PPAR OR ‘ex vivo’ OR ‘in vitro’ OR ‘in vivo’ OR exvivo OR invitro OR invivo OR cell* OR tissue* OR rodent* OR mouse OR animal* OR rat* OR mice OR rabbit* OR dog* OR monkey* OR ‘experimental animal*’ OR ‘lab* animal* OR ‘lab* animal*’ AND ( EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "CHEM" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "MATE" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "CENG" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "ENGI" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "PHYS" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "COMP" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "EART" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "ENER" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "SOCI" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "ECON" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "BUSI" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "ARTS" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , "ar" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , "re" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "English" ) OR EXCLUDE ( LANGUAGE , "Russian" ) OR EXCLUDE ( LANGUAGE , "Spanish" ) ) AND ( EXCLUDE ( LANGUAGE , "Italian" ) ) AND ( EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "MATH" )): 5449
PubMed (search terms in title and abstract)
((“perfluoro*“[Title/Abstract] OR “pfos” [Title/Abstract] OR “pfoa”[Title/Abstract] OR “pfas” [Title/Abstract] OR “fluorotelomer alcohol” [Title/Abstract] AND “toxi*”[Title/Abstract] OR “acute” [Title/Abstract] OR” subacute” [Title/Abstract] OR “subchronic” [Title/Abstract] OR “chronic” [Title/Abstract] OR “mutagen*” [Title/Abstract] OR “carcino*”[Title/Abstract] OR “reprotox*” [Title/Abstract] OR “nephrotox*” [Title/Abstract] OR “neurotox*”[Title/Abstract] OR “hepatotox* [Title/Abstract] OR ”immune” [Title/Abstract] OR “immuno*”[Title/Abstract] OR “developmental tox*”[Title/Abstract] OR” thyroid” [Title/Abstract] OR “endocri*” [Title/Abstract] OR “endocrine”[Title/Abstract] OR “estrogen”[Title/Abstract] OR “oestrogen”[Title/Abstract] OR “fertility” [Title/Abstract] OR ”tumour”[Title/Abstract] OR “tumor”[Title/Abstract] OR “gestat*” [Title/Abstract] OR “lactat*”[Title/Abstract] OR “DNA damage” [Title/Abstract] OR “mortality” [Title/Abstract] OR “adverse” [Title/Abstract] OR “adverse effect” OR “blood lipid” [Title/Abstract] OR “serum lipid*” [Title/Abstract] OR “PPAR” [Title/Abstract] OR “ex vivo”[Title/Abstract] OR “in vitro” [Title/Abstract] OR “in vivo” [Title/Abstract] OR “exvivo”[Title/Abstract] OR “invitro” [Title/Abstract] OR “invivo” [Title/Abstract] OR” cell*”[Title/Abstract] OR “tissue*”[Title/Abstract] OR “rodent*”[Title/Abstract] OR “mouse”[Title/Abstract] OR “animal*”[Title/Abstract] OR “rat*"[Title/Abstract] OR E”mice” [Title/Abstract] OR “rabbit*”[Title/Abstract] OR “dog*”[Title/Abstract] OR “monkey*”[Title/Abstract] OR “experimental animal*”[Title/Abstract] OR “lab* animal*”[Title/Abstract] OR “‘lab* animal*[Title/Abstract] AND (English[Filter])): 2569
- Data from both searches were combined and duplicates removed giving a total of 3397 papers.
- To identify papers on specific endpoints key words were used to search in all fields in Endnote. Key words included, but were not limited to,
- Thyro,
- TSH,
- T3,
- T4,
- Thyroxine,
- Triiodothryronine,
- Hypertrophy,
- Thyroid stimulating hormone.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Generic inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria were applied to the data retrieved (Table 19).
Table 19. Generic inclusion and exclusion criteria used during primary screening of titles
Inclusion Criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Articles in English language.
Articles in other languages |
Peer reviewed publications. |
Expert opinions by authoritative bodies commentaries, editorials and letters to the editor. PhD Theses. Extended abstracts, conference proceeding. |
Relevant reviews. |
Studies not reporting original results, including comments, letters or editorials Papers without an abstract. |
Papers concerning toxicological effects. |
Papers concerned only with methodology. |
Studies in humans, rats, mice, rabbits, dogs or monkeys. |
Studies in other species such as fish, birds, foxes, frogs, bears, chickens. Transgenic animals. In vitro studies. Human (epidemiology) studies. |
Any experimental animal study, all ages, male and females. |
None. |
Oral (feeding, gavage and drinking water studies), Inhalation studies, Dermal studies, Subcutaneous injection (s.c.), Intraperitoneal injection (i.p.), Intramuscular injection (i.m.). |
None. |
Any PFAS. |
Mixtures of PFAS. |