Update on actions taken subsequent to COT advice – Paper for information

COT Evaluations


Last updated: 03 February 2025

Titanium dioxide

7.            After the discussions at COT and COM, it was agreed that the toxicity and genotoxicity of titanium should be reviewed following the publication of the 2021 EFSA opinion. This review has now been completed and a health-based guidance value established. This information has been provided to the policy team, who in consideration of all of the evidence will not be changing current risk management advice.


8.                  In May 2022, following the publication of the interim position statement by the COT, the FSA and FSS confirmed the legal status of these products and instructed industry to stop selling plastic food contact materials containing bamboo and similar unauthorised plant-based materials such as rice husks, wheat straw and hemp as a precautionary measure and called for evidence to assess the long-term safety of these products. In 2024, following consideration of the data submitted by the call for evidence and the publication of the bamboo statement, the FSA and FSS confirmed the advice to consumers not to use plastic containers or utensils containing bamboo and other unauthorised plant-based materials and to dispose of or repurpose for non FCM use. Businesses were also reminded again not to sell such products as they are non-compliant with the legislation and come with safety concerns.

Aircraft Cabin Air

9.            The Department for Transport and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) continue to use COT advice in responding to question around aircraft cabin air. In addition, CAA updated its frequently asked questions webpage to include reference to the 2024 COT statement.


10.            Following extensive discussions on bisphenol A (BPA) the COT adopted the TDI established by the BfR. This information has been provided to the policy team, who are developing risk management advice.


11.            The Joint Expert Group on Food Contact Materials (FCMJEG), the Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT) and the Committee on Mutagenicity (COM), for their specific expertise discussed all data and information on TMBPF-DGE that was provided to the FSA. Overall, when considering all available information, the available data did not identify a safety concern for the usage of TMBPF-DGE in can coatings.

12.            Given that there is no legislative framework in place for the assessment of substances in can coatings nor the ability to create or amend a positive list at present, the FSA policy team does not anticipate formal authorisation of TMBPF- DGE but will take into account the finalised risk assessment in their risk management considerations. The objective will be to ensure that it appropriately sets out operator requirements and expectations.

13.            The FSA and FSS concluded that TMBPF-DGE is safe and is not liable to have any adverse effects on human health or on environmental safety at expected levels and intended conditions of use and allowed it to be used as a coating in canned food packaging following specific restrictions set out on the Dutch commodities act.

Maternal diet

14.            Work continues on the maternal diet, with statements now having been published on lead and raspberry leaf tea. Work has commenced on a review of the mycotoxin citrinin, and the supplements echinacea and calcidiol. Work continues to progress on ergot alkaloids and ginger supplements.