Balance of expertise on the Committee
In this guide
In this guide28. It has previously been agreed that the following types of specialist expertise are required by the Committee for some or all of its evaluations:
Analytical techniques |
Biochemistry |
Bioinformatics |
Cell biology |
Clinical practice |
Dietary exposure assessment |
Endocrinology |
Environmental exposure assessment |
Epidemiology |
Human toxicology |
Immunology |
Mathematical Modelling |
Mechanistic toxicology |
Molecular biology |
Neurotoxicology |
Nutrition |
Paediatrics |
Pharmacokinetics |
Pharmacology |
Probabilistic modelling |
Reproductive toxicology |
Respiratory toxicology |
Risk assessment |
Statistical aspects of experimental design |
Statistics |
Systems biology |
Toxicogenomics |
Toxicological pathology |
Xenobiotic metabolism |
29. It would not be necessary to have an individual member for each listed expertise as some people would have a combination of the required skills. Additional key experts are also invited to attend meetings for specific topics to supplement missing knowledge.
30. As Members are aware recruitment to the FSA Scientific Advisory Committees is now carried out annually by a central team, starting in the Autumn. However, the balance of expertise set out below is used to guide the process.
31. Members are invited to comment on whether this list is still appropriate and if there are important gaps amongst the current membership or in light of possible future developments.