COT Meeting: 14th December 2022
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Skip the menu of subheadings on this page.Meeting Agenda
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Draft minutes and reserved minutes of the 25th October meeting TOX/MIN/2022/07.
3. Matters arising.
4. Discussion paper on the request for authorisation of a can coating in the UK. TOX/2022/63 (Reserved).
5. Sub-statement on the potential risk(s) from exposure to microplastics: Inhalation route (Second draft) TOX./2022/64.
6. Aircraft Cabin Air - Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in aircraft cabin air TOX/2022/65.
7. Discussion paper on EFSA’s 2022 Assessment of the genotoxicity of acrylamide TOX/2022/66.
8. Summary of health-based guidance values for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances TOX/2022/67.
9. Second draft statement on the potential risk to human health of turmeric and curcumin supplements TOX/2022/68.
10. Update on the work of other FSA Scientific Advisory Committees - for information TOX/2022/69.
11. Any other business.
Next meeting of the Committee: Tuesday 7th of February 2023 at Broadway House, London and via Teams.
Matters arising:
- SETE – update on discussions at COMAEP.
- Codex Allergy report TOX/2022/62.
- Smoke flavouring reauthorisations
- 2023 COT workshop
Media discussed during the meeting
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Please see information on reserved items on the Procedure for holding COT meetings in open session page.
Draft minutes of the 25th October 2022 meeting
Review of the Codex’s report on food allergen threshold levels
Sub-statement on the potential risk(s) from exposure to microplastics: Inhalation route
Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in aircraft cabin air
Discussion paper on EFSA’s 2022 Assessment of the genotoxicity of acrylamide
Summary of health-based guidance values for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances
Turmeric Curcumin Second draft statement
Update on the work of other Scientific Advisory Committees- December 2022