
Minutes of the AEJEG 8th September 2023 meeting

Last updated: 23 November 2023

Meeting of the Committee at 10:00 on Friday 8th September 2023 via Microsoft Teams


Prof Qasim Chaudhry

AEJEG Members

Dr Martin Rose

Dr Olwenn Martin

Dr Claude Lambre

Dr Claire Stephenson

Guest Members

Philip Botham

Food Standards Agency (FSA) Secretariat

Ms Chara Tsoulli

Dr Gaetana Spedalieri

Mr Thomas Hornsby

Ms Natasha Adams

Dr Abigail Smith

Dr Katie Schulz

FSA and other Officials

Michael Dickinson

Michelle Hutchison




Welcome and apologies for absence


Minutes from the last meeting - AEJEG/2023/01  


RP1457 Update on Application for Authorisation of the substance glycolipids (E 246) (Nagardo, AM-1) for use as a new food additive – AEJEG/2023/13  


RP1245 Update Application for a change in the Steviol Glycoside specification in the United Kingdom to include a new manufacturing method for Steviol Glycosides including rebaudioside D – AEJEG/2023/18 


RP1112 Draft Opinion on the Application for the approval of steviol glycosides (E 960) from stevia leaf extract from Fermentation AEJEG/2023/19 


RP507 Update on Application for Authorisation of Blue Microalgae Extract (Blue Galdieria Extract) for Use as a New Food Additive in the ‘Colour’ Functional AEJEG/2023/20 


Any other business


1. Due to absence, Prof. Qasim Chaudhry stood in as acting chair for the meeting.  


2. No conflicts of interest were declared.  

Item 1: Apologies for absence  

3. Apologies were received from Dr Allain Bueno. 

Item 2: Minutes from the last meeting   

4. Members were presented with the minutes of the AEJEG meeting held on 20th July 2023.  

5. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as accurate record, subject to minor editorial corrections as discussed. 

Item 3: Update on Application for Authorisation of the substance glycolipids (E 246) (Nagardo, AM-1) for use as a new food additive (RP1457) 

6. The AEJEG was presented with and asked to evaluate the Toxicological studies provided for RP1457. This application is for the authorisation of the substance Glycolipids (E 246), also known as Nagardo and AM-1, for use as a new food additive. The substance has antimicrobial effects and is therefore proposed for use in beverages with a normal use level of 10mg/L and a maximum proposed level of up to 50mg/L.  

7. Glycolipids (E 246) had previously been presented at the meeting on the 13th of February 2023 in which a request for further information (RFI) was raised. The response to this RFI was presented to the AEJEG at the meeting on 20th of July 2023, and a further RFI was issued. Due to time constraints within these meetings, the toxicological studies had not been evaluated in detail, it was agreed these studies would be presented in the September meeting. Due to the nature of some of the studies received, a Member of the Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products, and the Environment (COT) attended the meeting to assist the AEJEG in these discussions.  

8. The AEJEG reviewed the toxicological studies provided as part of this application and agreed that no conclusions could be drawn on this data until further data on the antimicrobial properties of Glycolipids (E 246) had been received from the Applicant.  

9. The AEJEG stated this information was required to determine safety for the authorisation of the substance Glycolipids (E 246), also known as Nagardo and AM-1, for use as a new food additive. 

10. It was agreed that the Secretariat would prepare questions which would be circulated to the AEJEG, prior to being included in an RFI letter to be sent to the Applicant. This item would be revisited upon receipt of the requested additional information.   

Item 4: Update Application for a change in the Steviol Glycoside specification in the United Kingdom to include a new manufacturing method for Steviol Glycosides including Rebaudioside D (RP1245)

11. RP1245 was introduced to Members. It was explained that this was a Tranche application, where EFSA had produced an opinion on this application during the EU-Exit transition period, however as new information was supplied to the FSA by the Applicant, Members were now required to assess the products safety. 

12. Members concluded that further information would be needed from the Applicant in order to fully assess the safety of the product and that an RFI would be sent.  

Item 5: Advice of the AEJEG on steviol glycosides (E 960) produced by fermentation (Rebaudioside M) using Saccharomyces cerevisiae – DRAFT AEJEG ADVICE PAPER FOR DISCUSSION (RP1112)   

13. Members were introduced to an updated opinion paper concerning regulated products application RP1112. The AEJEG initially reviewed this dossier in their June 2022 meeting. The AEJEG last reviewed this Application in their June 2023 meeting where Members agreed to review the draft safety advice document and requested that the Applicant be contacted to provide further information.  

14. Overall, the AEJEG requested minor amendments to the draft safety advice document for RP1112. They considered further information would also be necessary from the Applicant and that the Applicant would be contacted. Following these actions, the AEJEG agreed the safety advice document would be cleared by chairs action.   

Item 6: Update on Application for Authorisation of Blue Microalgae Extract (Blue Galdieria Extract) for Use as a New Food Additive in the ‘Colour’ Functional class (RP507) 

15. The AEJEG was presented with and asked to evaluate the Applicant’s response to a request for further information (RFI) for RP507. This application related to the authorisation of blue microalgae or blue Galdieria extract for use as a new food additive. The AEJEG initially reviewed the application in February 2022. The AEJEG reviewed the Application in the July 2022, October 2022, April 2023, July 2023, and September 2023 meetings. An RFI was sent following a discussion which took place during the meeting on the 20th July 2023, in which Members acknowledged the provided statement explaining that the phytoestrogen content of feed was comparable to the levels in the feed given to the historical control animals however Members agreed that supporting evidence should be requested of the Applicant.  

16. Members were asked to consider the RFI response, received on the 1st of August, and then were asked to begin forming conclusions on the Toxicity studies provided as part of this application.   

17. In conclusion, the AEJEG were satisfied with the information provided by the Applicant in response to the request for information and stated that they would further discuss the Application by correspondence. Following this, it was agreed that the Secretariat would begin drafting a safety advice document. 

Item 7: Any Other Business  

18. A Member noted that the AEJEG and SF meetings are very demanding in terms of time (preparation, meetings, correspondence, etc.).  

19. Members asked if responses can be written in comment/bubble on document noting what others in group discussed and for full minutes to be provided. 

Date of next meeting  

20. Members were reminded the next standard AEJEG meeting would be on Thursday 19th October.