
Minutes of the AEJEG 20th February 2024 meeting

Last updated: 08 May 2024

Meeting of the Committee at 09:30 on Tuesday 20th February 2024 via Microsoft Teams  


Dr Allain Bueno  


AEJEG Members

Prof Qasim Chaudhry   


Dr Martin Rose  


Dr Olwenn Martin   


Dr Claude Lambré  


Dr Claire Stephenson  


Food Standards  

Agency (FSA)  


Ms Chara Tsoulli  


Dr Gaetana Spedalieri   


Mr Thomas Hornsby  


Ms Natasha Adams   


Ms Abigail Smith   


Dr Katie Schulz   


Ms Polly Bevan 


Dr Yoana Petrova 

FSA Scientific Secretary  




Welcome and Apologies for absence    


Update paper on RP41 (AEJEG/2024/25) 


Matters arising: RP1245 – Discussion on Request for Information; RP733- Discussion on Request for information; RP42-Update on ACMSF summary. 


RP507 Tox conclusions on Application for Authorisation of Blue Microalgae Extract (Blue Galdieria Extract) for Use as a New Food Additive in the ‘Colour’ Functional Class. Cover Paper AEJEG/2023/25. 


RP507 Opinion paper on Application for Authorisation of Blue Microalgae Extract (Blue Galdieria Extract) for Use as a New Food Additive in the ‘Colour’ Functional Class. Update Cover Paper: AEJEG/2023/26, AEJEG/2023/23. 


Minutes from the last meeting - AEJEG/2023/23  


Any other business  


1. It was announced that this was the last meeting Dr Olwenn Martin would be attending the AEJEG. 

2. The Members welcomed Ms Polly Bevan and Dr Yoana Petrova of the FSA Secretariat, who had recently joined the Secretariat Team for the AEJEG as an HSOs.  


3. No conflicts of interest were declared.   

Item 1: Apologies for absence 

4. Apologies were received from Dr Claire Stephenson who would be leaving at 11:00am.  

Item 2: Update paper on RP41 (AEJEG/2024/25) 

5.The AEJEG reviewed the response to their latest request for further information (RFI) provided, in connection with their application for authorisation of the extension of use of curcumin (E 100)   to the proposed new food category ‘egg analogues’ under category 12.9 ‘protein products, excluding products covered in category 1.8’. This would be further separated into ‘Liquid egg analogues’ and ‘Solid egg analogues’.   This Application was last reviewed by the AEJEG in their July 2023 meeting.  

6. The AEJEG reviewed the response provided by the Applicant in their RFI which had questioned the Applicant on areas of presence of nanoparticles and exposure assessment. Members requested further clarification on the exposure assessment and considered a clarification on the presence of nanoparticles could be included, depending on previous correspondence. It was agreed that the Secretariat would prepare questions which would be circulated to the AEJEG, prior to being included in an RFI letter to be sent to the Applicant. This item would be revisited upon receipt of the requested additional information. 

Item 3: Matters arising

RP1245 – Discussion on Request for Information  

7. The AEJEG was presented with a draft version of the request for information questions that had been prepared in response to the December AEJEG meeting on RP1245 in relation to their application for a change in the steviol glycoside specification in the United Kingdom to include a new manufacturing method for steviol glycosides including Rebaudioside D. 

8. Members of the AEJEG had been asked to provide comments on RFI wording for RP1245 via correspondence as a result of the December meeting.  

9. During online correspondence, following the December meeting, a Member had suggested requesting testing on additional batches, which then warranted further discussion with the rest of the Members. 

10. Members agreed upon the wording of the RFI and the inclusion of the additional question to be sent to the Applicant. As wording was agreed upon within the meeting, Members were satisfied that the questions would not need to be recirculated and could be sent to the applicant. 

RP733- Discussion on Request for information 

a. The AEJEG was presented with information from the 90-day toxicological study which answered proposed questions that Members had wanted to include in an RFI after the December meeting regarding the RP733 application for the approval of soy leghemoglobin as a flavouring in the United Kingdom. 

b. Members of the AEJEG had also been asked to provide comments on RFI wording for RP733 via correspondence as a result of the December meeting.  

RP42-Update on ACMSF summary. 

11. An overview of the Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food Antimicrobial Resistance Working Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (ACMSF AMR WG) views of the application for an extension of use of nisin (E 234) to the new proposed food category ‘egg analogues' (RP42) was presented to the members. The ACMSF had discussed the Application in their 24th January 2024 meeting. The AEJEG last discussed RP42 in their December 2022 meeting. 

12. The AEJEG concluded that the considerations of the ACMSF AMR WG would be included within a draft safety advice document regarding RP42.  

Item 4: RP507 Tox conclusions on Application for Authorisation of Blue Microalgae Extract (Blue Galdieria Extract) for Use as a New Food Additive in the ‘Colour’ Functional Class. Cover Paper – AEJEG/2023/25 

13. The AEJEG was presented with Application RP507 which consisted of a request for the authorisation of blue microalgae or blue Galdieria extract for use as a new food additive. The AEJEG initially reviewed the application in February 2022. The AEJEG re-reviewed the Application in the July 2022, October 2022, April 2023, July 2023, and September 2023 meetings. A subgroup of the AEJEG also meet in January 2024 for a focused discussion of the toxicological data and a request for further information questions were drafted. 

14. Members were asked to begin forming conclusions on the Toxicity studies provided as part of this Application and to raise any editorials or suggestions on the request for further information (RFI) questions drafted by the subgroup. 

15. The AEJEG reviewed the toxicological studies and the proposed request for further information questions drafted from the toxicological deep dive subgroup meeting. It was agreed that the Secretariat would construct for review, prior to being included in an RFI letter to be sent to the Applicant. This item would be revisited upon receipt of the requested additional information. 

Item 5: RP507 Opinion paper on Application for Authorisation of Blue Microalgae Extract (Blue Galdieria Extract) for Use as a New Food Additive in the ‘Colour’ Functional Class. Update Cover Paper: – AEJEG/2023/23, AEJEG/2023/26. 

16. The AEJEG was presented with a first draft of the safety advice document for this application related to the authorisation of blue microalgae or blue Galdieria extract for use as a new food additive. The AEJEG initially reviewed the Application in February 2022. The AEJEG reviewed the Application in the July 2022, October 2022, April 2023, July 2023, and September 2023 meetings. A subgroup of the AEJEG also meet in January 2024 for a focused discussion of the toxicology data and request for further information questions were drafted. 

17. In conclusion, the AEJEG began an initial review of the first draft Safety Advice Document. They provided minor editorial adjustments and requested further information regarding the drying process. The Secretariat agreed to send an RFI to the Applicant and for the response to be presented to the AEJEG alongside the second draft of the Safety Advice Document. 

Item 6: Minutes from the last meeting    

18. Members were presented with the minutes of the AEJEG meeting held on 14th December 2023.  

19. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as accurate record, subject to minor editorial changes. 

Item 7: Any other business 

20. Members were reminded to include the AEJEG email address in emails to ensure that communications would be available to all the Secretariat in order to avoid missed communications. 

21. Members were informed that text for RP1112 RFI had been sent via email and were encouraged to provide feedback swiftly due to time constraints. 

22. Members were reminded that the next AEJEG meeting would be the joint AEJEG/COT/COM meeting on the 4th of March.