
Emerita Professor Shirley Price

Professor Price is currently Emerita Professor of Toxicology at the University of Surrey having held several senior posts at the University and is Visiting Professor of Toxicology at the University of Hertfordshire.

Last updated: 24 July 2024

An image of Emerita Professor Shirley Price outside in front of green foliage, wearing a black and white top.

An image of Emerita Professor Shirley Price outside in front of green foliage, wearing a black and white top.


Shirley Price is currently Emerita Professor of Toxicology at the University of Surrey having held several senior posts at the University and is Visiting Professor of Toxicology at the University of Hertfordshire. 

She has over 30 years’ experience in toxicology specialising in mechanisms of toxicity, risk assessment of chemicals, combined effects of chemical mixtures at low exposure level and the effects of non-genotoxic carcinogens.  

Over the course of her academic career, she has been instrumental in providing training programmes in toxicology to industry, regulators and academics. 

Shirley is currently President of the British Toxicology Society, having held several key positions within the Society and has also chaired the UK Register of Toxicologists.  She is a Fellow of the British Toxicology Society, the Royal Society of Biology, the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.  

Shirley has worked on a number of government committees including the World Health Organisation’s Reproductive Unit, Veterinary Residues Committee and the Paediatrics Expert Advisory Committee. In May 2014 she was appointed as a Commissioner for the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM). She is also a member of a number of Expert Working Groups within CHM and is a member of the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) Advisory Group (January 2021). 

Shirley is one of the Associate Editors for the Toxicology Research Journal and has been a reviewer for a number of other scientific journals.

Professor Price's appointment as a member of the COT expires on 31st March 2027

Category of Interest

Organisation / Body and Nature of Interest (period)

Trusteeships  Gas Safety Trust 
Other public appointments  These non-personal and non-specific interests relate to donations provided by both companies to the British Toxicology Society (BTS) to support their Annual Congress and Education and Training. I am currently President of the Society (2020-2022).  
Other non-personal interests 
  1. I can confirm that as the President of the British Toxicology Society (BTS) I hold a non-personal and non-specific interest in both GSK and AstraZeneca on the Society’s behalf. These non-personal and non-specific interests relate to donations provided by both companies to the British Toxicology Society (BTS) to support their Annual Congress and Education and Training initiatives. I am currently President of the Society (2020-2022).  
  2. Annual Congress and Education and Training. I am currently President of the Society (2020-2022).