
COT Meeting: 19th March 2019

Agenda and papers for the meeting of the Committee at 10.00am on Tuesday, 19th March 2019 in Broadway House Conference Centre, Tothill St, London, SW1H 9NQ.

Last updated: 22 January 2021

Meeting Agenda

1. Apologies for absence

2. Draft minutes of February meeting TOX/MIN/2019/01

3. Matters arising 

4. Potential future discussion items – horizon scanning. COT members have agreed that it would be useful to have an annual agenda item to discuss potential future topics. This paper lists ongoing and planned topics of discussion and invites members to give their opinions on emerging toxicological issues that may be of relevance to public health or to Committee working procedures, which could be included in the Committee’s programme of work in 2019. TOX/2019/08

5. Phosphate-based flame retardants: Follow-up to scoping paper on phosphate-based flame retardants and the potential for developmental toxicity. TOX/2019/09

6. First draft Committee view on phosphate-based flame retardants and the potential for developmental toxicity. TOX/2019/10

7. Potential toxicological risks from electronic nicotine (and non-nicotine) delivery systems (E(N)NDS – e-cigarettes), Paper 9: Bystander exposure. TOX/2019/11

8. Discussion paper on the EFSA Opinion on “Phthalates” TOX/2019/12

9. Risks to human health from the use of certain additives not currently allowed in the EU. TOX/2019/13

10. Draft 2018 Annual report. COT section of the 2018 Annual report for the Committees on Toxicity, Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity. Members are invited to agree the text and also to consider how the COT has performed during 2018 against the Good Practice Guidelines for committees advising the Food Standards Agency (FSA). TOX/2019/14

11. Update paper for information: FSA Scientific Advisory Committees (SACs) update. TOX/2019/15

12. Any other business

Date of next meeting 7th May 2019 at Broadway House Conference Centre, Tothill St, London, SW1H 9NQ.

Media discussed during the meeting

TOX 2019 - 08

Potential future discussion items – horizon scanning

TOX 2019 - 09

Follow-up to scoping paper on phosphate-based flame retardants (PFRs) and the potential for developmental toxicity

TOX 2019 - 10

Committee view on phosphate-based flame retardants (PFRs) and the potential for developmental toxicity – first draft

TOX 2019 - 11

Potential toxicological risks from electronic nicotine (and non-nicotine) delivery systems (E(N)NDS – e-cigarettes). Paper 9: Bystander exposure.

TOX 2019 - 12

Discussion paper on the EFSA Opinion on “Phthalates”

TOX 2019 - 15

Update paper for information: FSA Scientific Advisory Committees (SACs) update

Final minutes of the meeting of the Committee on 19th March 2019

The final minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19th March 2019 at Broadway House Conference Centre, Tothill St, London, SW1H 9NQ.