COT Meeting: 12th July 2022
On this page
Skip the menu of subheadings on this page.Meeting Agenda
- Apologies for absence.
- Draft minutes and reserved minutes of the 10th May TOX/MIN/2022/04.
- Matters arising.
- Discussion paper on the potential risk to human health of turmeric and curcumin supplements – following an updated literature review TOX/2022/35.
- The potential risks from ergot alkaloids in the TOX/2022/36 maternal diet: Discussion paper.
- Discussion paper on Ocean Bound Plastic TOX/2022/3.
- Statement on the bioavailability of nicotine from the use of oral nicotine pouches and assessment of the potential toxicological risk to users – First Draft TOX/2022/38
- EFSA consultation: Discussion paper on review of existing Health Based Guidance Values for copper TOX/2022/39.
- Updated literature on potential health risks from organophosphate exposure in aircraft cabin air TOX/2022/40.
- Draft document on how the Committees evaluate the relevance and reliability of data when assessing a chemical of concern? – draft 0.e TOX/2022/41.
- First draft statement on the safety of ginger supplement use in pregnancy TOX/2022/42.
- Update on the work of other advisory committees TOX/2022/43 - for information.
- Any other business.
Next meeting of the Committee Tuesday 6th September, in person venue TBC and by Teams.
Matters arising:
- Update on the process for the renewal of smoke flavourings authorisation TOX/2022/34.
Media discussed during the meeting
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Please see information on reserved items on the Procedure for holding COT meetings in open session page
Draft minutes of the 10th May 2022 meeting
Discussion paper on the potential risk to human health of turmeric and curcumin supplements
Cover page Annex B to TOX/2022/35
Annex B to TOX/2022/35 Turmeric survey report
The potential risks from ergot alkaloids in the maternal diet
Discussion paper on Ocean Bound Plastic
Updated literature on potential health risks from organophosphate exposure in aircraft cabin air
First draft statement on the safety of ginger supplement use in pregnancy
Update on the work of other advisory committees July 2022