
FCMJEG Minutes 24th May 2023

Last updated: 04 December 2023


Advisory Committee on Food Contact Materials Joint Expert Group (FCM JEG)  


Meeting of the Committee at 10:00 on 24th May 2023 online via MS TEAMS 













Dr Emma Bradley 






Dr Sibylle Ermler







JEG Members:  

Dr Stuart Adams 


Dr Gill Clare 


Dr Natalia Falagán 


Dr Jenny Odum 


Dr Michael Walker 






Food Standards 

Agency (FSA) 


Dr Barbara Doerr 


Ms Jocelyn Frimpong-Manso 


Dr David Gott 


Miss Cleanncy Hoppie 


Dr David Kovacic 



Ms Sabrina Thomas 


Ms Frederique Marie Uy 


Ms Azuka Aghadiuno 



Ms Kaitlyn Jukes




FSA Scientific Secretary 






FSA and other Officials: 

Allan Shivembe                                    






Adam Hardgrave











Welcome and apologies for absence 


Matters Arising  

Update on RP 1415 (assessment of PET recycling process)

Update on RP 1642(assessment of plastic additive)

Update on TMBPF-DGE (moved to last item)



Minutes of the meeting held on 5th April 2023


Assessment of recycling process (RP 1741)  


Additional information on recycling process (RP45)



Review of the meeting minutes February 2023. 


Review of the meeting minutes October 2022. 


Review of the meeting minutes December 2022. 


Any Other Business 



Date of next meeting 




1.             The Chair reminded those attending the meeting to declare any commercial or other interests they might have in any of the agenda items.

2.             A declaration of interest was made by Emma Bradley regarding the update on a can coating (Item 2, Matters Arising).

Item 1: Welcome and apologies

3.             No apologies were received.  

Item 2: Matters Arising

4.             An update on two plastic recycling dossiers/applications RP1415 (assessment of PET recycling process) and RP1642 (assessment of plastic additives) were provided by the Secretariat, noting that a new point of contact has been established for both, and the Secretariat is awaiting the requested additional information.

5.             An update was also provided on ocean bound plastic (OBP). Members were made aware that the companies responding to the call for evidence were willing to provide further information. The Secretariat said that they were expecting the additional information to be provided by the end of the May with the aim to discuss this at the July meeting. Members were also informed that policy colleagues have become aware of an additional number of companies that may hold information on OBP and that these companies will be contacted separately to see whether they have information/data they would be willing to share. 

6.             Due to the interest declared, an update on the progress of a can coating and the discussions held by the Committee on Toxicity were provided at the end of the meeting to allow Dr Bradley to leave the meeting at that stage. 

7.             The FCMJEG asked whether it would be possible to create a summary table of the dossiers and their progress and to share this table under Matters Arising at future meetings. The Secretariat confirmed that they have an Excel spreadsheet that can be adapted to share the statuses of current dossiers with Members.

Item 3: Minutes of the meeting held on 5th April 2023 

8.             Members requested editorial changes to ensure consistency and provide clarification of the points raised.

9.             Members asked for clarification whether the statement on the maximum of 5% as set in EFSA guidance referred to the input material not being more than 5% from non-food contact use.  

10.          In reference to item 7 (Review of condensed public meeting minutes October 2022). Members asked for more detail to be included, such as information on the conditions of approval (for example long-term storage, room temperature, no microwave oven etc.).

11.          No conflicts of interest were declared.

12.          The Members reviewed the information provided on a super-clean post-consumer PET recyclate (RP1741).

13.          Overall, Members considered the dossier well-constructed, and the information provided detailed and useful information of the process.

14.          Members reviewed the journal articles provided alongside the existing authorisations by the applicant and agreed that although not extensive, the literature presented was acceptable.

15.          Members requested further documentation to be provided to them, i.e., the letter of no objection from Health Canada and records/data for certain steps of the PET recycling process. Alongside this, Members requested further information regarding the additives applied in the process, i.e., information on compliance with FCM regulations, residues/breakdown products and whether they were added by the recycler or the end user of the recycled material.

16.          Members were satisfied with the quality assurance documentation and standard operating procedures and noted that the supporting paperwork detailed proficiently how in-house testing was carried out.  

17.          Overall, the members were content with the information provided by the applicant but agreed that the Secretariat would prepare an additional RFI requesting outstanding information. The applicant’s responses will be further considered at a future FCMJEG meeting. 

Item 5: Additional information on recycling process (RP45)

18.          No conflicts of interest were declared.

19.          Overall, the FCMJEG were satisfied with the additional information provided in response to the request for information letters following the December 2022 and February 2023 meetings. The Secretariat will draft the final output for comment by the FCMJEG and Committee on Toxicity (COT).

20.          The FCMJEG were informed that due to the current legislation status of recycling processes in GB, the publication of the assessment and full public minutes will be delayed.

Item 6: Review of the draft public meeting minutes February 2023

21.          The FCMJEG made several editorial comments, which the Secretariat will address. An updated draft will then be circulated to the FCMJEG for comment.

Item 7: Review of condensed public meeting minutes October 2022

22.          Overall, the FCMJEG were satisfied with the content of the draft minutes but made several editorial comments. The Secretariat will address the comments and an updated draft will be circulated to the Group for comment.

Item 8: Review of the condense public meeting minutes December 2022  

23.          Emma Bradley declared a personal, specific interest for Item 4: Additional information on a can coating following COT’s assessment. Hence, the minutes of this item were presented and discussed in her absence.

24.          The Committee suggested rewording and further condensing the minutes for Item 6: Information received on OBP through the call for evidence. Members felt condensing the minutes would allow better understanding of the discussion by reflecting the main points raised. The minutes should also ensure consistency in the level of detail with the public summaries on OBP from the call of evidence. The link to the public summary on the outcome of the call for evidence will be added to the minutes. 

25.          The Secretariat will address the comments and an updated draft will be circulated to the Group for comment.

Item 10: Any other business

26.          The Secretariat shared a recent article by Greenpeace on the risks of recycled plastic with Members for information.

27.          Following work at the European level on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food contact materials, Members discussed the work being carried out developing methodologies to establish UK capability.

28.          An update was provided on the site visit and the Secretariat will be happy to answer any enquiries regarding travel bookings.

Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be a face-to-face meeting at Clive House and will take place on the 5th of July 2023.